November 5, 2011


Let me just say that whoever came up with this idea is brilliant. Just brilliant.
In case you are feeling too lazy to click on the link, check it out:

Yes, that would be a doll WITH A PROSTHETIC LEG!

Not sure why that have that long strap from the knee to the waist (not typical), but the rest is pretty life-like.

All I can say is, Wow.

In case you were feeling gender-typed, don't worry,
they have a limited amount of boy dolls :)

This picture was appropriately titled "boyamputee1".

And it's not like they cost an arm and a LEG (he he).
They aren't cheap, but they are barely the cost of an American Girl doll.
C'mmon now!!

Who would have thought a year ago I would be looking at amputee dolls?

All fun aside, I really think it's awesome.

Anna says, "Who needs two equal legs? I can stand all by myself."


"But I do need a little help getting up. Thanks Mommy!"


Erika said...

Absolutely precious! She looks so proud of herself in the middle picture!

Katie Fish said...

Oh my gosh! I love these!

Tara Dembowczyk said...

Oh, I love those dolls! Thanks for sharing that!! Your sweet girl is just precious.
(when Hannah had her cast on her leg after surgery, she had a strap that went from her cast up her leg and around her waist to help the cast stay on....very similar to what you see on the doll)

sifields said...

Glad to have found your blog ... God is just bringing all us FH bloggers together. I'll certainly be praying for your precious girl ... and her parents! Visit my blog as well ...

Kristina said...

she is so cute I can't stand it.