
February 19, 2014

Ice storm

It's been a crazy week here in Georgia. Last Wednesday we had a national disaster level ice storm (yes, officially declared by President Obama). Our town was hit the hardest and the governor even popped in for some encouragement. A whopping 80% of the city was without power; some for four days. Thankfully, ours was only out for 30 hours, so we got off the hook pretty easy.

The week prior to the ice storm we had a good three inch snowfall. Again, not the norm around here. Anna played in the snow for the first time and it was fun and exciting for everyone. Being from New York, I'm used to the snow, but seeing things for the first time through the eyes of a child is just as magical as if I'd never felt a snowflake before.

These first pictures are from the snowfall a few weeks ago.

Now, on to the ice storm.

Our beautiful front tree practically snapped in half from the weight of the ice. Multiple trees fell in our backyard.

Beautiful from the inside; treacherous from the outside.

No power; staying warm.

Fire and a cleared mantle with candles for some warmth and light.

Staying warm.

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