
August 5, 2012

In the Spotlight

Anna watching Oscar run the 400m.

I have really enjoyed watching the Olympics this year. Partly because Anna's hero (or more like my hero), Oscar, is running as the first amputee ever in an Olympic games. As I've mentioned before, Oscar has Fibular Hemimelia in both legs and his surgery followed a similar timeline to Anna's.

Some of the things I love about Oscar are what a hard-working, faith-filled, humble man he is. He is always giving back. And he represents himself so well in front of the camera. Though he has faced tons of ridiculous scrutiny suggesting that his prosthetic legs make it easier for him to run (a bit silly if you know anything about prosthetics), he has persevered and made it to the 2012 Summer Olympics.

I especially love how he's brought physical disabilities into the spotlight. I've seen numerous commercials that highlight both Olympic AND Paraolympic athletes. It's amazing to see an amputee swimming for a Coke commercial. Or BP's commercial highlighting Jerome Singleton (I added these commercials to my FH Resources page if haven't seen them). I am inspired that people with physical disabilities are being portrayed in the media so people realize no matter what your difference is, you can still accomplish your dreams.

Thank you, Oscar, for being such a wonderful influence on our country and for not being afraid to stand up for what you believe it. We are cheering you on!

Here is short, wonderful video from NBC about Oscar's journey to the Olympics. I love the part where they show him helping other amputee kids:

And in case you didn't see his amazing first race, I posted the link below. The best part was listening to what the commentators had to say beforehand, the roar of the audience, and his interview after. Unfortunately those things aren't included in the video! But the race itself was awesome and brought tears to my eyes. Such an inspiration. Check it out.

"I never really grew up thinking I was disabled. I just thought I had different shoes." -Oscar


  1. Oh my gosh-- have LOVED seeing Oscar!! Such an inspiration! I love how the commentators were describing his mother telling him to do whatever his brother was doing.

  2. Loving his whole story - but especially loving the pic of Anna watching him!

  3. I loved this story! James and I watched the race and I got all emotional when the runner from Kenya wanted to exchange bibs with him.
