
July 28, 2012

Sixteen months and more beach pictures

Our little girl is sixteen months old today! She has been starting to take off in a lot of ways and it's so fun to see her connect the dots. She remains a quiet observer and has the most gentle, loving personality. I am so proud of how well she listens and her patience at this age! I feel like all the teaching and consistency is really starting to pay off. 

Sometimes I am amazed when I look at her now and then think back to her first six months and how unsettled and unhappy she was. I am certain a majority of her colicky symptoms were from nursing with food sensitivity issues, which was so hard because nothing would fix it except when I stopped nursing altogether. Praying that our new little one will have a pain-free infanthood!

Anna is really into loving on her baby doll or stuffed animals right now- she likes to give them lots of hugs and kisses! She loves to sit and look at the pictures in her books, her favorite being Pat the Bunny. She's getting better at eating with a spoon which frees us up to enjoy our meal a little more. She continues to get better with her leg, though it's a slow process. I can't wait for the day when she can walk.

We use a silicone sleeve to keep her leg from falling off while she crawls.

My brother-in-law Jon is the official family photographer and I love that he snaps so many memories of family time. I prefer not to take a million pictures so it's great for someone who enjoys it to take on that role. Here are some more cute pics from the beach. Good luck telling Ben and his two brothers apart!

 The big-wave days kind of freaked Anna out, lol.

Which of these hair colors doesn't belong?
Ben's whole family minus middle sister Jessica.

A funny video from the beach of Anna and her baby that she loves soo much and can't sleep without. 


  1. Ha...that last picture is like me with James' family. Oh those blondes. And I am in love with Anna's romper. It's so amazing seeing her walking with her "leggy." brings joy to my heart after all she's been through.

  2. What wonderful pictures! And her prosthesis is absolutely beautiful! They did a great job making it. I bet she'll start walking on her own very soon. Hannah began at 18 months. Hang in there!

  3. Those pictures of her on the grass are so beautiful! She's such a pretty little lady!

  4. Jackie Breitenbach Huntington, NYAugust 1, 2012 at 8:47 AM

    Lisa Elaine-

    I found your blog while doing one of my periodic searches of FH. My 13 year old daughter has FH- she had her amputation at 10 months and walked one day shy of 16 months. I LOVED your blog, as it mirrored so many of our own experiences. I wish I could have read it 13 years ago! You have done a wonderful thing- truly the Lord is working through you. As I am sure you already know, you have made a great decision for Anna. Like my daughter, she will go to school, make friends, play sports (although not fabulously :) ), and have a childhood that is "normal" in the ways that we hope for our children. Our daughter just won a trophy for ten years of dancing school! More importantly, Anna's life will be special (and is already) because she will demonstrate to others the beauty and sanctity of life-how we are all different, how we all need a helping hand sometimes, how good people can be to one another sometimes, and how all life is valuable and meaningful. I won't lie and tell you it's all sunshine and roses (particularly with a girl during puberty!), but there is so much good in store for Anna, for you, and for your family. Two more children came after our 13 year old-like you and Anna, she was my first child- and having "leggy" in our lives has blessed our entire family (words I never thought I would write in 1999). If you are ever interested in speaking to someone walking the road ahead if you, please feel free to contact me.

    Good luck and God bless!
