
October 1, 2011

First Attempt

at Babyfood making.

First trip ever to Earth Fare to get some pesticide-free veggies that are friendly to tiny developing brains. A-mazing. Imagine doing all your grocery shopping in this place.

I bought sweet carrots, sweet bell peppers, zuchinni, broccoli and green beans.

Then chop,


and Freeze.

Don't forget to entertain baby...

and have some fun afterwards!

End Note: I struggled with whether I should use pre-made baby food or make my own. At first I thought it would ultimately be best to make all my own so I could use pesticide-free produce and help get rid of Anna's constipation. But then I found out that organic baby food is actually regulated a LOT better than organic produce. Since then pesticides weren't an issue I weighed the costs/benefits for us as a family and decided to use pre-made baby food for fruit (except fruits served ripe like avocado and banana) and make my own vegetables. This serves multiple purposes- 1. It saves us $ since buying all organic produce is too expensive for us at this time and organic fruit can be twice the cost of organic veggies. 2. Fruit doesn't freeze or prepare as easily (in my opinion) as veggies and sometimes it's hard to find good, ripe fruit 3. Part of the upside of making your own food is that babies get used to the taste of foods they might not want to eat as they get older. I figured that fruit is sweet and generally appealing- it's the veggies that take a developing of taste. Since I want Anna to gets to know what fresh veggies taste like (and hopefully learn to love them), it allows me to do that. 3. It still gives us the anti-constipating benefit of fresh food- pre-made baby food is more constipating, and the poor girl has had her share of constipation issues. 3. I can alter the consistency as she gets older so she's not just eating smooth purees. 4. I can make veggies that aren't typically offered in pre-made baby food (like broccoli).

Happy eating!


  1. Awesome! I always enjoyed watching Mollyanne make her baby food...look forward to doing it myself someday! Especially the part where you walk by the baby food aisle in the store and think to yourself "thank GOD I'm not paying a dollar a jar for that stuff!!!!"

  2. I see you got a bouncy door hangy-thing (haha, don't know what those are called)! Hope Anna is enjoying it and her new baby food! Natalie
