
July 22, 2011

Four Months

I cannot believe Anna is four months old!

I also cannot believe we made it to this milestone. The last four months held a lot of challenges for us, but we have definitley reached a turning point in many areas!

Anna is eating really well thanks to our recent switch. I estimate that she is eating about triple what she did before. And you can tell- she's gained a ton of weight in a short period of time! She is also sleeping so much better- taking 4 naps a day in her crib (thanks to Sarah who shared this sleep/awake baby chart. It was really helpful and accurate for her). She also has learned to fall asleep on her own (most of the time). SO glad we listened to our instincts over the last 3 months, had some patience, and helped her learn to settle down instead of leaving her to 'figure it out' on her own as a newborn. She went 9 hours the other night without waking up!

She still has her high strung moments, but lately more often than not she is smiley and happy. CUTE as can be. She's discovered that she can gurgle and I'll catch her by herself gurgling away for entertainment. She loves sucking her fingers and most recently, her thumb. She turns up her little nose at pacifiers :)

She can roll over front to back and back to front, though we have yet to catch the latter in action. We know she does it because we will enter the room to find her mysteriously like this:

She also sits propped up pretty well, though she will topple over without support.

Her little eyes look like they are turning some sort of green/hazel, but time will tell. She is wearing 0-3 month clothes, though many are still too big. She loves taking a bath, loves to be sung to (even though her parents have terrible voices), and puts everything in her mouth.

I can't believe just 4 months ago this is what we brought home...

I love you so much Anna Bean. I cherish every minute I get to spend with you.

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