
November 28, 2010

Ode to TMJ

I discovered on Friday that I had caught an upper respiratory infection, which then made my TMJ flare up as it never has before. I spent Saturday and Sunday pretty much in bed all day due to a 48 hour continous splitting headache, if you can imagine what that's like. The great thing about severe TMJ is that you don't get a break when you sleep, because your teeth clenching worsens the pain. That means going to bed in pain, and waking up in worse pain! Ahhh! If you're lucky, the pain gets so bad that you vomit, and if you're really lucky and happen to be pregnant, you can't take any medicine that actually eases it. Give me a stomach bug or the flu any day, at least you can watch TV or read to distract yourself. The only thing you can do with a throbbing head is lay on your back in the dark. I tried to console myself about having to spend my vacation in bed with the fact that at least I wasn't using precious sick days.

Ode to TMJ

TMJ, TMJ, why have you come in my life to stay?
I suffer through all the night and the day.
There is no time to think, work, or play.

I can't open my jaw, to eat, drink, or talk.
You take a hammer to my head and continue to knock.
I can't even get up and try to walk.

An invalid state has come my way,
As in bed I ponder when you will ever go away.
My neck and jaw throb while my head's in dismay.
Try what I may you seem here to stay.

The doctor says there is no cure.
But I'm not too sure how much I can endure.

The End.

Ok Jesus, in all seriousness now, consider this an open invitation for healing!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, look at that poem! You managed to be creative despite the pain you were in. Perhaps, writing your pain down is a good way to distract yourself from it. I’ve read somewhere that the thing about pain is it demands to be felt. So, when you’re given no choice but to feel the hurt, then I guess the best solace you can find is by basking in it. I hope your TMJ, and all sorts of pain that goes with it, are gone by now. Stay tough!

    Cynthia Bowers @ Bay Area TMJ & Sleep Center
