
November 29, 2010

The Bird

“We believe that it was God who made man in His own image and breathed into him the breath of life and said unto him, ‘Now, live in My presence and worship Me—for that is your chief end. Increase and multiply and fill the earth with worshipers.’

Yes, these plain people, these believing people, will tell you that God created the flowers to be beautiful and the birds to sing so that men and women could enjoy them. The scientist contends that the bird sings for a totally different reason.

‘It is the male bird that sings, and he sings only to attract the female so they may nest and procreate,’ he tells us. ‘It is simply biological.’

It is at this point that I ask the scientist, ‘Why doesn’t the bird just squeak or groan or gurgle? Why does he have to sing and warble and harmonize as though he had been tuned to a harp?’

I think the answer is plain—it is because God made him to sing.

If I were a male bird and wanted to attract a female I could turn handsprings or do any number of tricks. But why does the bird sing so beautifully?

It is because the God who made him is the Chief Musician of the universe. He is the Composer of the cosmos. He made the harp in those little throats and feathers around them and said, ‘Go and sing.’

Thankfully, the birds obeyed and they have been singing and praising God ever since they were created.”

A. W. Tozer

Whatever Happened To Worship, 60-61


You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.

Matthew 4:10; Luke 4:8

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