
January 14, 2015


I've been really bad about posting lately, so I'm going to do a Currently post just to get something up here! But I've received some awesome emails from new parents with kids with FH, and I'm so honored to be able to connect with you. Please don't give up on me. I'll post some more coming soon :)

Feeding: Have I ever mentioned that I hate cooking? Let's not talk about this right now. Do you ever feel like you are hugely failing at feeding your children healthy meals? Yeah, me too. Vegan cream cheese is our new find. Both girls will (and can) eat, and its first ingredient is coconut oil. That's healthy, right?

Reading: Okay, so the next book in the Red Rising trilogy came out in January. At the time, I didn't realize it was a new series and that I would have to wait years to read the final installment (my patience isn't that great). So here I am, one of those crazed fans reading the book right when it comes out. I loved Red Rising. Golden Son (second book) is so far really good. The language is a bit too much for me, and it definitely seems to worsen in this book, but the plot twists and dialogue is so so good. I heard the end is the biggest cliffhanger ever, so of course I'm not looking forward to that and having to wait another YEAR or something crazy to read the last book.

Needing: Nice weather. Getting out of the house. I can't believe I was raised in New York. I cannot stand the cold for one minute. Being inside all cozy is great, but the kids get stir crazy, you know, after three months of it.

Conceding: That there are a few areas that I need to work more on in my personal life / relationships. I've had some good conversations lately and pinpointed a few areas that I can intentionally try to work on.

Gearing up for: Our annual (okay, second, but hopefully an annual) trip to Charleston for the Cooper River Bridge Run. No, I am not a runner. No, I do not enjoy it. But spending a weekend with two of our favorite couples sans kids? I will run for that. The 'training' part is more of a joke, really. But I'll give it some semblance of effort. If only it were a 5K.

Procrastinating: Same old thing. Cleaning.

Thankful for: Lots of things. Good friends. A great church. A loyal, supportive husband. An amazing school for the girls. A job where I'm thriving. A mother who is still surviving cancer (and taking us to a Disney resort in March! It's supposed to be amazing for kids with allergies. I can't wait!) Finally getting the girls to co-sleep, getting rid of that crib, and re-doing the girls room! Pictures to come soon!

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