
October 14, 2014


Doing my first every "Currently" post!

Feeding: Banana chips. I have a hard time finding snacks that don't make me feel yucky. Banana chips, at least the ones I eat, consist only of bananas, coconut oil, and a tiny bit of sugar. They are perfect for in between meals.

Reading: Just finished Red Rising. Loved it. Can't wait for the next book to come out! Right now I am reading How to Listen so Kids Will Talk and How to Talk So Kids Will Listen. Love, love, love it! Adding it to my top parenting books along with Simplicity Parenting and Love and Logic.

Needing: To slow down my mind. I usually rarely have trouble sleeping, but lately I've had several bouts of insomnia because I have all these things I want to do and think about. Not bothersome things, just things. And they keep me awake.

Conceding: That I need to appreciate the city I live in for what it is instead of moaning about what it isn't. There are no mountains or wonderful outdoor activities. It is pretty commercial and ridiculously hot. It isn't pedestrian friendly at all. But it has almost every resource/store you could ever need. It only takes 15 minutes to get from one side to the next. It has a great medical community. And it is only several hours from great vacation destinations: Charleston, Savannah, Atlanta, Greenville, Asheville, and Charlotte.

Gearing up for: a family wedding. I love weddings, especially family ones! I'm a bridesmaid, Ben is a groomsman, and Anna is a flower girl! Should be lots of fun and lots of celebrations!

Procrastinating: Cleaning. For a while I was so good about it, following my little schedule. Lately I have been seriously neglecting it. All the 'detail' cleaning that needs to be done is overwhelming and I have no desire or intent to tackle. So lately I've been doing the bare minimum.

Thankful for: My new part time job. I've never had a job that I truly love, feel good at, and feel satisfied with because I'm making a difference in the lives of others. For right now at least, this is my dream job. I get to set my own schedule, I don't have to answer to a boss for much of anything, I don't miss any time with the girls, and I get excited about each child I test and each report I write. It's mentally stimulating, always interesting, and a great responsibility.

1 comment:

  1. I have been having the hardest time sleeping too recently! It's so hard to turn off my frustrating!!
