
August 7, 2014

Things I'm Loving

I'm loving a lot of things right now! Here are some of them:

If you get short of breath everytime you have to spend $15 on a cartridge of razors, this will be music to your ears. For only a few bucks a month, the Dollar Shave Club delivers a razor cartridge to you in the mail (free shipping) every month or every other month. You can choose from two blades, four blades, or six blade razors. The handle is free. And the razors are awesome. I do the three blade once every two months, because they last for-eeeeeever.
Puddle jumpers are a seriously revolutionary flotation device for kids. Kind of like arm floaties on steroids. They can keep a kid completely upright in the water without any assistance. The girls love to swim around the pool in them, and since they are virtually un-tippable, my anxiety level of managing two toddlers in the pool at once is nill.
Cocoa powder. There is something called dry shampoo (or cornstarch for some) that, when rubbed into greasy hair, can transform it to non-greasiness. Unfortunately this only works well with fair-haired beauties. Dark haired girls like me end up looking like a gray haired granny. I've always been super jealous of people who can use this trick, because I only wash my hair every other day but the strands around my face can get greasy. Now I pull them back in barrettes while I sleep, and if I need to, I rub in well some cocoa powder (plain, the unsweetened stuff) into my hair and roots and it absorbs the grease. And I don't look like a granny.
I found this app through an add on Facebook that I actually clicked on (a first). It's awesome. You can send a high-quality postcard right from your phone, using a picture in your photo stream. I only recently got a smart phone (I was using an old flip phone for years until I inherited a used iphone and switched to a plan that was the equivalent of what I was paying for already- score!) Tangent aside, you can send all sorts of personal cards with fun photos.

Aldi is my grocery store savior. With the cost of food rising exponentially, I have been able to avoid marking up my grocery budget by adding Aldi to my weekly shopping trip. Originally I started going there because they have milk free of growth hormones at the same price as hormone-filled milk at other stores. Then I realized the great deals they had on other items. So far, their store brand has been excellent (only one dud- I don't recommend the baked beans). We now get their generic cereals (they taste great), canned veggies, frozen foods, dairy products, etc. On average they are 30-40% less than the grocery store. Crazy I know. You just have to get used to the self-service (self-bagging and grocery carting). They also have great deals on produce. It depends on what's in season, but most of it is locally grown and they have organic options on and off. For a while I got a huge bag of organic apples for 5.99 and a whole box of organic grape tomatoes for .99. I will say that they keep their produce out for a while (at least at our local store), so you have to make sure it's not on it's way out when you buy it or you will end up with a spoiled vegetable in a few days. Oh, and they taste fantastic. The strawberries were the best I had all season. Ditto on the grapes. We usually hit up Aldi first and then finish at Kroger. You can't rely only on Aldi since they don't carry all the traditional grocery items and their stock varies from week to week.

Our wedding dresses. Can't wait for the family wedding in a few months! Our whole family is going to be in the wedding so it should be a lot of fun! (This is my dress but not the actual color, though I do love this color)


 Charleston, land that I love.

 Good Reads for Kids
My new job!
I got a part-time job working for a private child psychologist! It took a long time to get there but I finally reached my destination. I had been praying for a part time flexible job, doing what I love, one that would contribute financially to our household, and where I had the potential of working more later in life when the girls go to school. Scripture supports a woman helping support her family financially if it doesn't interfere with her role of caring for her household and teaching and nurturing her children (Proverbs 31). I wasn't willing to compromise on the child care aspect. I wanted something where I could drop them off at school and pick them up or be there soon after. This job is one that I can do while the girls are in preschool and, if I am a little late, their teacher agreed to keep them at the school until I can get there (which shouldn't be long at all). Once the girls are in public school, I can head to work right after I drop them off and leave before they get finished. I can basically set my own schedule and schedule clients whenever I am free. I feel like God has given me so much favor!
My Book Club
Things I am NOT loving right now:
Lawn mowing and weeds in our yard and garden. We are about to throw in the white flag and surrender. NOTHING has helped rid us of them.
Medical bills


  1. I read on another blog that if you spray your hair with dry shampoo BEFORE going to bed, then when you get up with day #2 hair, it's non-greasy and non-white. I've tried it a couple of times with lots of success!

  2. I swear, puddle jumpers have put years back onto my life that stress around the water would've robbed!
