
February 24, 2013

A New Year, A New Leg

Anna officially received her new leg last week! We are so happy with the incredible job they did. She is no longer telling me to take off her leg as soon as she gets home because she's outgrown it and it's uncomfortable. She is walking great and has had no problems adjusting. It makes a world of difference having her prosthetist in town, instead of hours away- I know she is getting the continous care and adjustments she needs to grow and walk properly in the future. Now that she has her leg she can go in any time to have her gait checked and to ensure a proper fit.
Lately she wants to run so badly- her little legs go as fast as they can, but she just isn't able to make them go fast enough. The prosthetist told us that it would be difficult for her to run because the ankle in her prosthesis doesn't bend. When she gets older she could get a special leg if she desires to run. I can't lie, that makes this mama a bit sad- the other day I saw all the two-year-olds at her church school running to the playground together, and I can't help but picture Anna struggling to keep up and being left behind. But, as her teacher says, she is 'feisty' and I have no doubt she can handle that and the more difficult situations she will encounter in life.
Anna got her first pair of real sneakers! Prior to her new leg she was wearing a foot that was three sizes too small, so we could not make sneakers fit. Now she has the appropriate footwear for outside and doesn't have to climb on the playground in slippers!
Here are some shots of Anna in her new leg.


Lastly, I want to thank those of you who gave and are still giving to Anna's Leg Fund. It has been a tremendous blessing for us during this difficult transition to provide for Anna's medical needs. Since most of you gave anonymously, I don't know who you are (unless you want to tell me!), but I assume that you read this blog since it is the only place I posted the link. So know that we feel loved, blessed, and that your generosity brings tears to my eyes. May God bless you tenfold.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for new legs!! I'm always amazed at the difference a new leg makes with Dylan's walking, etc. Anna looks so big and grown up! She is so precious! Oh man, I know how you feel about the running thing. It breaks my heart when I see Dylan trying so hard to keep up with his brother or with other kids. But what I always try to remind myself when I start to get sad seeing him struggling, is that he hasn't given up...and that is more important. He may not be able to keep up with his brother now, but he keeps trying and trying and he hasn't stopped trying. I just keep encouraging him to run as fast as he can and he's getting pretty darn fast running his little stiff ankle run. :) I wish we lived closer so Dylan and Anna could play and run their pace. :)

    I hope you guys are feeling better at your house!!
