
September 1, 2012

One great month

This has been, without a doubt, the best month in the last three years. Not only did Ben finish school and secure a great job, he also passed his boards AND we put an offer on a cute little home that was accepted yesterday. It's hard to believe all this happened in just a couple of weeks.

Originally Ben was only considering positions in primary care, specifically ones that provided loan repayment as we had to completely provide for the last two-and-a-half years of tuition and expenses while caring for Anna. Obviously not an easy thing to do with a family. We hate owing money to anyone and knew it would be difficult to pay that money back in a timely fashion. However, Ben interviewed for a great job in nephrology and we felt like it was the right one to take. He turned down three other job offers, all of which would have provided loan repayment. Despite the difficulty of the decision, we feel the job in nephrology will be a wiser investment of our time and will be better for our family in the long run. We are anxious about having a student loan, and know it will require a lot of hard work and continued simple living to pay it off, but we went for it. Neither one of us expected to stay here! We had it in our minds that we would be leaving this city, perhaps even leaving the state, yet here we are, ready to stay for years to come. I am excited for what the future holds.

Another exciting piece of news is that I landed a part-time position working for one of my favorite child development websites. I get to consult with parents and provide services all from home with good pay. I never thought I could find a real, stay-at-home job that didn't involve selling something or starting my own business, none of which appealed to me. But here God dropped a wonderful job opportunity in my lap, gave me favor over hundreds of other applicants, helped me get through many nerve-wrecking interviews, and provided something that hopefully I can continue for years to come. I am very excited, very nervous about how I will juggle up to 20 hours of work plus caring for a toddler and a newborn, and exceedingly thankful for an opportunity to use my professional skills.

Oh, and to emphasize the fact that it's been a great month, check out what Anna did this week!!!!!!

So proud of my baby!


  1. Wow, that is definitely a great month! Way to go Anna, and congrats on both new jobs!

  2. Look at her go!! So happy for all of you!

  3. SO excited about your great month, especially the parts where you both get jobs and you buy a house 2 miles from my parents!! I want to know more about your job-- sounds perfect!!

  4. I had the biggest smile on my face reading this whole post! This really has been a GREAT month for you guys and I'm so SO happy for you all! You guys deserve all these blessings. And ANNA!!! Look at her go! SOOO exciting!!

  5. What an incredible blessing for all of you!! Congratulations, my friend. So excited to hear about your days to come!!
