
July 8, 2012

The last month in pictures

I know I have been kind of slack on the posting lately. The majority of my energy has gone into dealing with Anna's food allergies, skin, and the use of her leg plus trying to help Ben with research on future job opportunities. Since he's doing surgery right now and working in the burn unit, he works long hours and doesn't have much time for those extra things. Regarding Anna's  allergies, I have become a little discouraged and very exhausted! She dropped completely off the growth curve at her last appointment and the doctor was concerned. Usually I don't worry about that kind of thing, but feeding my family in a healthy way with the limited options we have has become so hard. Many times I wonder how on earth I will be able to manage another baby on top of these special needs. I really need to get this dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, bean-free, berry-free, everything-free healthy cooking in more of a groove.

We took Anna to the Columbia Riverbanks Zoo for Father's Day. Both Ben and Anna got in free!

The giraffes were a little too close for Anna's comfort.

We had the opportunity to go see the Lion King in Greenville. It was wonderful.


One of those rare days where I resorted to a short video for my sanity. The Snowman is perfect for that.

Another new, scary reaction. Just. One. Bite. Eggplant, onion, olive oil, or garlic? Don't know.
This was soon after her back broke out in hives cause Ben was holding her after eating something with mayonnaise in it.
Before our 4th of July festivities. We had a Latin American feast with a friend from Costa Rica, complete with my favorite, fried yucca!

Anna couldn't eat this cake but the rest of us enjoyed it!

I've been thinking and anticipating what the gender of our little one will be. I should find out next month (or maybe earlier if I can convince Doc T to check for it at the next appointment). I feel like God has been speaking to me about naming so I have a bit of a hunch what the gender is but am still not completely sure.


  1. Aw, Lisa!! That allergic reaction is so scary!! I can't imagine how awful that must feel (to all of you!!). Have yall (or could you?) met with a nutritionist or something that could maybe help with the meal planning around allergies? Ugh. What a terrible bind. Have you considered winning the lottery? Then you could just hire a chef. Something to consider, anyway. ;)

  2. Ugh...I can't imagine cooking around all those allergies. It's hard enough feeding a toddler without all that. I wouldnfeel overwhelmed too! It seems like you are doing an awesome job though.
    I'm excited to find out what you are having! Is Miami still an option for Ben?

  3. I love her 4th of July dress! SO cute! Can't wait to find out what you're having! You'll be able to do two kids! You'll figure out a way! :)

  4. Jesus, I ask for healing for little Anna. Breakthrough, Lord. I pray that everything in her little body would work correctly and begin to process food the way You intended it to. I pray for Lisa, that you would renew her strength and her dreams. I pray for a release from perfectionism and striving. I pray for strong community to come along side her and her family. I pray for answers, heavenly recipes, and protection over Anna from accidental contact with allergens. In Your name, Jesus. Amen <3

  5. Oh, Lisa. I am so sorry to hear how difficult things have been lately. Please know of my prayers for you tonight. Press on, my friend.
