
May 1, 2012

Who Says?

Let me give a caveat and say that I typically do not listen to teeny bopper singers. I couldn't recognize a Justin Bieber song if my life depended on it. Well, ok I do love me some Taylor Swift but she is in her twenties and I didn't listen to her before her Fearless album so that doesn't count. Plus it's not like her audience is limited to the Teen Choice Awards. Anyway, this song by Selena Gomez came on in one of my workout classes way back when and I loved the message and upbeat vibe.

Today I was making dinner and Anna was doing what she usually does, which is sitting on the floor next to my leg (despite the abundant toys in the room a few feet away :) This song came on my ipod speaker and it made me think of her and everything we've been through, including some news we've been faced with regarding the healing of her leg, leaving us unsure about whether she can have a 'normal' looking prosthesis. In the midst of all the questions, I felt a surge of happiness, and I swept her up and danced around the kitchen. And I could honestly look at her and say, "Who says you're not perfect? Who says?" She thought it was funny and giggled plenty.

It was a special moment. This is the kind of song I would have related to back when I was a teen, and I hope to instill that message in Anna... that she's worth it, that she's beautiful, and that appearances and looking like everyone else are so overrated.

Here's the video- I think it's kind of fun. I apologize if this song was, like, a way overplayed one from a few years ago (I don't listen to the radio remember?). I do think it's a little ironic that Selena is singing about how she's no beauty queen, yet she looks like a beauty queen. Oh well :)

Anna, you've got every right to a beautiful life.


  1. Don't tell anyone, but I like that song too :)
    I'm so sorry to hear that sweet Anna may not be able to wear a normal looking prosthesis. Do you mind if I ask what's going on?

  2. So cute. I love this song. I am a stright dude and i love the measage behind this song
