
March 21, 2012

Two Weeks Post Surgery

It's been two weeks since Anna had her surgery. It feels like an eternity as it's been one of the hardest weeks to date. Warning: this is not a warm and fuzzy post. Read at your own risk.

She wasn't showing much improvement- actually she was having multiple daily meltdowns yet was still on the same dosage of around the clock meds. We concluded that the medicine side effects were likely a big culprit so we tried weaning off her some off the narcotics. That helped some, until the rash took over.

We have been battling a nasty rash that flared up all around Anna's cast. It spread to everywhere the cast borders her diaper area and then disappears into the abyss of her cast. Sensitive skin + hot days + enormous cast (see picture below, before the rash) = really stubborn skin breakout. We're doing the best we can to contain it, which involves blow drying each area after a diaper change, letting her crawl around on the kitchen floor with no diaper for a little while, then applying medication and stuffing multiple layers in her (two diapers and some batting), plus keeping her indoors out of the heat. So yeah, it's pretty much a part-time job working on this rash. They told us if it doesn't improve, we will have to head back to the hospital to have her cast removed and another put back on. Since we only imagine trauma ensuing from pinning Anna down for yet another long procedure, we are putting all our effort into getting this thing to go away.

That said, she has been up crying all night for the last few nights. Of course we aren't able to pinpoint exactly what is upsetting her since there are multiple things going on. If you've ever had to listen to your child suffer like this, you know how awful it is. I believe it was 3am last night that Ben and I were sitting on the closet floor with our head in our hands.

Because I know you are dying to join in the fun, I've created a new game. It's called:

                                                                      Guess What's Bothering Anna?
It's easy. You just spin the wheel, and you have as much a chance of getting it right as we do!

There have been some happy moments despite it all:

Despite the frustrations, a lot of things about our situation are keeping it from being even more stressful. Here are some blessings I'm thankful for:
  • By far the biggest one: Ben is on his most laid back rotation (research) which means he can be home half-time (even if he has to be doing work for much of it).
  • She only had to have one of her legs amputated (many people have them both done).
  • Her constipation appears to be resolving (check that off the list!)
  • Amazing friends to visit with and help take my mind off going crazy. The ability to get out from time to time since Ben can stay home with the Bean.
  • That I am a stay at home mom. I can't imagine working and dealing with this at the same time!
  • Warm weather which makes Anna easier to dress.
  • Five sweet, sweet care packages that have been much fun to receive (the pre-surgery one from Sarah, one from my church small group, one from Anna's Mother's Day Out teachers, one from my parents-in-law, and one from my sister in Boston) plus lots of emails and notes with loving words.
  • Five meals thanks to sweet friends.
  • Anna is at least eating some.
  • A birthday party on Saturday.
  • My two friends, Katie and Sara, who have gone through the same surgery with their little ones. Talking to them keeps me sane, as well.
  • The Hunger Games is out this weekend!


  1. poor baby :-( and poor momma!! I don't know if you would be open at all to this, but I wonder if it would be worth trying to co-sleep with her at night? I know when my Anna is sick (and I know that is not the same thing at all with what you're going through!!!) and nothing seems to comfort her, letting her sleep with me helps us both get some sleep. Maybe she just needs some extra physical comfort at night to help get through some of the trauma? I hope things start getting better soon!

  2. OK, I LOVE the game chart!! Great idea! Sorry you have to have it, though. :( I enjoyed getting to see and play with Anna on Saturday and can't wait for her to get back to her normal self for yall. And I also can't wait for HG this weekend. Obviously. Are yall going to be taking Anna with you to see it? I'm sure she will enjoy it, and also be less creepy admiring the handsome (teenage) men than all us almost-30 year old women!! hahaha

  3. hey lisa! thanks for your message via your husband:) we are praying for you since we met you. marit asks about anna often. and also the heat rash...we had some trouble with that when marit was in her brace in the summer. keeping it dry is so might even try talcum/baby powder or if it looks at all yeasty, nystatin powder. i know this is a tough time right now, especially wanting to meet her needs and keep her comfortable, but not knowing what it is she needs. the unknowns are so hard. would love to have you girls over sometime. good to meet you too!
