
March 5, 2012

Ready or Not

Sitting here in the Hampton Inn downtown Greenville. Had our pre-op appointment today, surgery scheduled for 6am tomorrow. Found out some not-so-great news. Anna is scheduled to have an osteotomy, which cuts and straightens the tibia, in addition to her amputation and finger separation. This complicates the recovery time and adds significant pain. We also found out that she is supposed to have a full leg/waist cast which will not allow her to even sit up for six weeks, plus a FULL ARM CAST for six weeks. This really caught us off guard, and we were not prepared for the news.

We debated calling off the finger surgery and having it scheduled for another time. It's hard to imagine our crawling, cruising baby in two full limb casts for six weeks. But before making a hasty decision, we prayed and Ben heard Hebrews 12: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." Things that stood out to us were the race marked out for us,  as in continue the path we're on, and perseverence.  But most importantly...

Fix your eyes on Jesus.


It's all about that, isn't it?

Here we go, ready or not.


  1. Ugh, Lisa...I am so sorry about the unexpected casting!! That sounds miserable. I will be praying for yall tomorrow...keep us posted on how surgery goes!

  2. Love you guys! We are praying for healing, miracles, and grace to persevere. The awesome thing about babies is that they find a way to have fun no matter what obstacles stand in their way. While Caleb was stuck laying down in the hospital after surgery (stuck b/c of the drainage tube he was on for most of the time) he started talking a lot more and made up little word games with me. I bet she'll be talking your ears off the next few weeks ;)

  3. sending you guys a million good thoughts and prayers today!

  4. Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry for the hard news. I will be praying for you guys today and daily as Anna recovers.

  5. I found your blog through dylan's blog. Wow, 2 casts. No fun to find out last minute. I hope that everything goes well, and that she will recover quickly with no problems. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers!
