
March 11, 2012

The First Week

The first week is wrapping up and while I can't say it's a whole lot easier, there have been some happy moments. Anna learning to get around despite her cast, enjoying the good weather and her brief good moods, and spending time with Ben. She is still uncomfortable and not ready to decrease the pain meds yet (which we learned the hard way) so she is still taking them around the clock. She's not eating or drinking much and is generally cranky, but I would be too if I just lost a limb! Some cute pictures and a video from today:


  1. Oh man...that first week is rough. I felt like by a week and a half we started seeing improvement and by two weeks I could officially say things were "better". I hope things start to get easier quickly for you! I'm glad she's figuring things out. I'm sure you'll start seeing more of those happy moments. Hang in there friend!

    PS...your blog looks good! :)

  2. Lisa! Anna looks so good! I know the first week or so is rough - we are only 5.5 weeks out from his amputation! I see she also had hand surgery, how many fingers were fused? Our son also has Right arm/hand issues (more significant than anna's as it appears). We have elected not to do anything with his arm right now. I can only imagine her having to go through 2 surgeries/ casts! But, what I have realized it is all relative to what she knows. She WILL figures out how to do things and get around. Jack has amazed me everyday! Best to you!
