
February 19, 2012

Weekend Fun

It was a fun-filled weekend for us, filled with fruits and veggies, baby thrifting, friends, and a DIY.

We started the weekend off with picking up our first Bountiful Basket. I had been lusting for a while now over Facebook pictures from friends displaying their $15 baskets of fresh produce. A big fan of fresh fruits and veggies and a despiser of grocery shopping, I signed up immediately. We love our first basket! I'm pretty familiar with local produce prices and this is such a great deal for a week's worth of stuff. I love how each week you can choose whether you want to buy. It feels like Christmas when you go to pick up your basket, and it's fun to incorporate something you usually don't buy into meals (fresh pineapple anyone?). Love it! They are trying to get an organic basket going which would be awesome and much more affordable than store prices.

After picking up my basket, I headed to our city's semi-annual children's consignment event. It's a huge thing around here. I volunteered to help out earlier that week so I could attend the sale the day before the public. I was on the prowl for a few specific things and found just what I was looking for:

This chid sized table was just a few bucks. It's hard to accurately see the colors
but they are a pretty pastel blue and green.

Birthday dress.

Been looking for one of these classic wooden toys with an abacus.
This one was still in perfect condition and I especially liked the little zoo up top.

I found a swimming outfit for this summer- was tempted to get a cutsey bathing suit
but thought this was more practical for sun coverage.

We then headed out for short trip to visit two friends, Blake and Juli. Anna met some horses for the first time. I was so proud of her- she didn't get scared at all! And they were some big horses!

It was fun spendig time with Blake and Juli. Everyone but me is in the medical field, so I enjoyed listening to all the medical discussion. We got to have some delicious wine from a nearby winery, and Juli made this awesome vegan pear bread that even Anna could have. It was so nice to be able to give her some of our food for once.

When we got home, I whipped out this chalkboard I found for a few bucks. I'm kind of obsessed with chalkboards:

I used some leftover scrapbook paper, cut out a rectangle, and taped it over the top design. Presto! It now matched our kitchen. Scrapbook paper is the best for projects because you can change it out for a mere 50 cents :)

Well, better get started on all the fun stuff now (you know, laundry, cooking, meal planning....)


  1. What a fun weekend! I'm a big fan of the Bountiful Baskets AND of course the baby thrifting! Such a cute birthday dress!

  2. I am so excited you guys got a basket!!! I have been raving for about 3 months--- never disappointing! Love reading your updates and great finds at the sale!!!
