
February 12, 2012


Anna slept in until 8:30 this morning. Never. Before. Bliss.

I just received my cloth diaper inserts back from the company. I missed them. Apparently they had so much built-up gunk that they were not absorbing, which I can't wrap my mind around because I used a safe detergent and did all the proper washing / use instructions. If anyone has insight into this please do tell. I would like to avoid it for the future.

My computer weather forecast said it was 25 degrees this morning. It appears winter in Georgia has finally arrived- about two months late. I can't complain.

Been reading a lot of new pregnancy announcements on blogs lately. They make my heart happy.

Ben is working 12 full days straight with no break for the second time this month while at the ICU. And no, he doesn't get any extra days off to compensate. Twelve days without a break for him means twelve days without a break for me. Not a fan. Not a fan at all. Only another two-and-a-half weeks before his month of research.

I absolutely love my Tuesday "playdate" with the wife of one of Ben's classmates. Finally a consistent meet up for us. Love it.

One of my favorite things is getting baby clothes finds in the mail from my Mom in Florida. It's like a birthday present all year round. She loves it, too.

It's always the shows I make fun of that I end up loving. When I first saw a commercial for The Voice, I scowled with disdain at the perceived cheesiness. Now it's my favorite (ok only) show that I'm watching by our digital antennae. Loved that Adele cover at the end. Wow. If only I had a voice like that.

Anna went from a period of not wanting to be held much to being ultra-clingy. She follows me around everywhere I go, be it the bathroom or laundry room for a nanosecond. Her little head will bob around the door quicker than lightning. So cute.

The Kindle is probably the best invention of our century. Best Christmas gift ever. I wish I could take a book at a slow pace instead of like a student with a term paper due the next day. Why am I that way? I have to limit my book reading periods for this very reason. Just finished "Behind the Veils of Yemen" because we support a missionary in the country and I wanted to read more about life there. Many similarities to India. Am now reading an Andrew Murray book and The Secret Garden. Classics.

I am so not ready for a toddler. Help!

By definition, most of these are probably not even musings.

The Sweetness has arised, I must go. My favorite part of the day- greeting her gigantic smiles and giggles and picking her up out of her crib *heart melts*.


  1. Totally agree about making fun of shows and then loving them. It's a common occurrence for me, too. Hope you survive without Ben for all those days. I can't imagine how sad that would be!!

  2. I am the same way with books (and my new Kindle). I started the first Hunger Games book at 8 last night and finished it at 5 pm today.

    Were you stripping your diapers regularly? There are several different ways to do it, so maybe switch that up a little or do it more often to prevent the buildup.
