
January 8, 2012

Baby proofing

This is what we've had on our hands lately:

Yes, we have ourselves a climber. We have spent the last week babyproofing the place (ok Ben has spent the last week babyproofing the place). It's taken quite a long time, even without things like fireplaces and stairs. While I am proud to say we lasted 9 months living off of savings alone including replacing a car (yay!), we have now entered the dreaded no-savings zone and will be living off of Ben's student loan until he graduates. Scary, I know. Especially considering I've spent my whole life committed to being debt-free, (including putting myself all the way through graduate school without any debt). But we weighed the costs and benefits greatly and know it's worth the temporary sacrifice of material, temporal things for something eternal- me being able to stay at home and raise our daughter (side note: we're praying for a rural medicine loan repayment site to alleviate the future burden). All that to say, we didn't go with anything fancy for this babyproofing stuff!

This is what it has consisted of (ignore the terrible pictures; poor lighting!):

Bookcases and dressers anchored to walls.

TV secured.

Sharp edges covered.

Toilet lid locked.

Cabinet and drawers locked.

Outlets protected.

Anything I'm forgetting?

Hangin out in her tights... 

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