
November 28, 2011

Eight Months

Anna is growing up so fast. I can't take it. She's really begun to enter into the older infant stage this month. She's constantly on the go, trying to climb and pull herself up and scoping out anything new. She loves to run her hands over new textures- I think it's her favorite thing to do these days. She is also making all sorts of indiscriminate sounds (da-da-da) and still loves to smile. I'm guessing she weighs around 15 pounds now.

She helped open her first gift this month. So fun.

We've had lots of opportunities to dress Anna up this month! As you can tell, I'm old fashioned and generally like to dress babies like babies rather than in mini adult clothing (though I do have some really cute "adult" baby clothes that she sometimes wears). The above white outfit was handed down from my mother-in-law and worn by my sisters-in-law. How cute is that?

We have thoroughly enjoyed Anna this month. She has such a happy nature about her. From the moment I pick her up in the morning to the moment I put her down, she gives me this big toothy grin. *Sigh.* I fall in love more and more each month.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE her little "baby" clothes! She's so adorable. She looks like such a happy girl!
