
October 25, 2011

Seven Months

She's seven months.

And just as happy as can be.

I can't get enough of that smile.

This month has been an exciting one. My favorite thing about Anna recently is that she has really taken off with her babbling noises. She talks "ba ba ba" to herself and then cracks up in amused giggles. I would have to say that talking is the milestone I am most excited about. I love hearing her put sounds together and can't wait to hear her first word. So far, no "ma ma" or "da da" sounds have come out.

She's become pretty mobile now- she can go from sitting to floor position and can both pull herself along and get on her hands and knees. She hasn't put the two together yet to figure out crawling :)

We dropped all night feedings unless something is disrupting sleep like travelling or sickness. She wakes up a little earlier in the morning now, but I'm ok with that. I'd rather her get up at 6:30 and sleep all night then get up at 7:30 and wake up once in the middle of the night. She still takes three naps a day (a total of ~ 4 daytime hours, 12 nighttime hours). Just whenever she's tired- no strict schedule. I tried going to two naps, but it wasn't enough. Her last nap is only 30 minutes, but she usually requires it to make it through the evening!

Baby got her first sickness this month- a cold. I think she caught it from her Daddy, who caught it from his rotation at the pediatrician's office. Bummer. On the upside, he learned a lot about baby health that was helpful for us as parents.

Her two bottom front teeth came in and it is sooo cute. She hasn't had much problem with teething, thankfully. Just a lot of gnawing on things.

Anna continues to be a very content baby. She has developed a little more fear than she used to have- she is sometimes hesitant around strangers if they are too loud or approach her too quickly. She likes to watch people for a few minutes before they run up in her face and grab her (I wouldn't want strangers doing that to me so I can't blame her! :) Most of the time, though, she just smiles at everyone- especially in the grocery store. It seems to be her primary place to practice her people charming skills :)

She has been going to the church nursery for about a month now. They tell me she hasn't cried once. Now if only I could stop asking Ben "do you think that's Anna?" after every cry I hear during the sermon!

Anna is pretty good at sitting up, though she still prefers to be on her stomach most of the time. She especially likes to look at magazines with big pictures of babies and mamas.

What I wake up to in the morning.

Still intent on feeding herself.

Hanging out with Mommy.

Daddy's fun too.

We have an interesting time with her bouncer. I never know which leg to adjust the height to because one foot sits flat and the other barely touches. Thus, she hasn't really gotten the hang of the bouncing part. But she likes to chill in it.

I was looking through our monthly progression shots that I've been taking and am amazed at Anna's transformation from an underweight newborn to a healthy seven month old baby. The most drastic change was between 2 and 3 months. Looking back at those early couple of month I realize how thin Anna really was!

0 Months

1 Month

2 Months

3 Months

4 Months

5 Months

6 Months

7 Months


  1. Awww look at her big girl clothes in the 7 mo picture!! Also, love that pink hat in one of the top pictures. :) Oh, and now I notice-- also on your sidebar! Good choice!
