
May 9, 2011

One Month

Better late than never!

Fun happenings on the Anna front this month: weighing about 7 pounds (gaining weight fast) and graduating from premie size to newborn size, she has finally gained some baby 'chub', probably because she eats all the time which is good for her but makes it hard for her Mama to do much of anything! She has slate gray eyes and brown hair in the back that has taken on a male-pattern baldness appearance; we are anxious to see what her actual eye and hair color will be. She recently debuted her first real (non-flatulence-induced) smile, is making eye contact with Mama and Daddy, has some seriously strong head and neck muscle control, is VERY alert, doesn't sleep much during the day, and had her first road trip.

but my dove, my perfect one,
is unique,
the only daughter of her mother,
the favorite one of the one who bore her...
(Song of Songs 6:9)

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