
January 9, 2011

5 most life-changing books, according to Lisa

I got to thinking about the question: "what have been the most life-changing books for you?" and decided to share my thoughts. Sometimes you read a book that is not just 'good' (as in moving, enjoyable, or meaningful), but is one that truly changes your life in some way. The following are the top 5 books I've read that fall in this category. Enjoy.

Money, Possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn: this book is quite life-changing. If you've ever read a "Christian finance book" (i.e. Dave Ramsey, Suzie Orwell, etc) this book is not one of those; it's not a how-to manage your finances so you're 'set', throwing in a chapter on giving. It's actually quite the opposite. It's an unforgiving look into how our temporary use of money and accumulation of possessions directly relates to eternity, and according to Jesus, why it is one of the most important aspects of our earthly lives. It deals head-on with issues like materialism, debt, prosperity theology, etc. It will challenge you, irritate you and, if you can find the courage, change the way you live your life.

The Heavenly Man by Brother Yun:  an autobioraphy of Brother Yun's experience preaching the gospel throughout China. Remarkable story of God's call and power. I would say this book was life-changing because 1) it opened my eyes to the importance of writing scripture on your heart and 2) it redefined for me what it means for "the word to come alive" and change one's life on a daily basis through the power of the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by Brother Yun's vivid stories. He memorized almost the entire bible, and God used it powerfully throughout his life at key moments. This is probably one of the most incredible stories I've read... other than......

Brutchko by Bruce Olsen: an autobiography about a man who redefined missions and brought the gospel of Jesus to entire people groups in Columbia. It challenges the American Christian mindset that faith must be westernized, and instead shows the raw power of the gospel in reaching other nations when reduced to its simplest tenets of love, sacrifice, peace, joy, faith.

Heaven by Randy Alcorn: this book discusses the often glossed-over topic of heaven, and how indeed the bible has much more to say about eternity than we think, and how God wants us to live and yearn for our true 'home'. You may not agree with everything written, but it's very eye-opening.

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers: a fictional novel that powerfully portrays the unconditional love and redemption of God.


  1. How appropriately timed this blog is for me! Just yesterday, at about 4, Matt was watching football and I was bored of it (and we have only 1 TV), so I decided to read Redeeming Love. And didn't stop til I finished it at 2am. Ha! Even though it's like the 4th time I've read it, I still can't stop once I start!!

    And then I thought "I should read something else, but what?" and now maybe I'm thinking I'd like to check out the first one you mentioned.

  2. This is a great list! I just read the Heavenly Man and it changed my life! Also, I just tagged you in my Stylish Blog Post, see details over here:

    Hope you are doing well! We still need to get together sometime. I can't believe you live in Augusta and we haven't hung out yet!

  3. I was JUST telling someone about Heaven and when I saw your first book I thought, I wonder if she's read that one...and there it was right below! I LOVE this list! I've only read the last 4, but I think the first would be pretty awesome for me in my current place in life too!

    As I was leaving my job last week, and really heartbroken to be leaving the girls who worked for me (after all) I thought, as a final attempt to bless, reach, I don't know...I bought them a copy of Redeeming Love and wrote them all a note telling them why I wanted them to read it...I really hope they see the Father's heart in it and come to know Jesus!!!

    Lastly, If you love Redeeming Love you need to read the Mark of the Lion series, also by Francine Rivers. It's longer, harder to get through the historical/political stuff of the times but the story is AMAZING. I want to be Hadassah.
