
August 15, 2010


I'm going on my third month of being pregnant! Surprise! Baby G is on the way (hence the new ticker). More on this story later. Right now I'm so tired I could sleep 10 hours (and that's after sleeping 10 hours last night :)


  1. eeeee!!!!!!!

    Love that a lil' baby Gentry is on the way.

    Oh, the tiredness! I felt pretty useless at work my whole first trimester. I's a tiredness that you can't even really describe. It's in your bones. But I promise it goes away. :)

    Love and miss ya'll! Next time we are in Augusta we HAVE to meet up.

  2. Just reading what you wrote made me remember very vividly how tired you feel in those first three really is inside your bones, like someone filled them with lead! It will be over soon, though, and you will have tons of energy :)

  3. Ah!!! HOw exciting! And we're almost the exact same timing! We're 11 weeks and 1 day and due March 19th! I keep wanting to write our "story" but have yet to find the energy to do so! :) So excited for you guys!
