
January 15, 2010

Inspiring Book

I want to make a book recommendation. When Ben and I were in London on route back to India, we stayed with a pastor and his wife, the Halls. Kathy gave us this book she had just finished reading, about an Indian Sikh who, in search of finding his religion's coveted level of peace and truth, was minutes away from committing suicide unless the true God revealed himself. What he experienced next was something he never expected, a dramatic encounter with Jesus Christ similar to Saul on the Damascus road. A changed man, he forsook his family and all that he knew and committed his life to traveling the Asian hills to share the gospel with his people. His biography is one of the best I've read, simple and humble yet thoroughly inspiring.

While the book is a biography and the author, Phyllis Thompson, follows his journey in a simple, succint writing style, she precedes each chapter with a tidbit from one of Singh's own writings. I wanted to share the one I read today:

A Man Must Worship

"You will hardly find men who do not worship God or some power. If atheistic thinkers or scientists, filled with the materialistic outlook, do not worship God, they often tend to worship great men and heroes or some ideal which they have exalted into a Power. Buddha did not teach anything about God. The result was, his follwers began to worship him. In China the people began to worship ancestors, as they were not taught to worship. This desire for worship, from which man cannot get away, has been created in him by his Creator, so that led by this desire, he may have communion with his Creator." -Sundar Singh, Reality and Religion

1 comment:

  1. this book sounds amazing...will have to go find it! hope y'all are doing well!
