
March 18, 2015

A Dream

A little "God story" for today. Last week, Anna had an emergency room visit after an allergic reaction to milk. The day was long and we were all exhausted by the evening. I had a therapy session the next morning with two teens; I was trying something new (video self-modeling) that I was excited about, but did not have personal experience with. Instead of having the time to educate and prepare myself for the session, I went to bed stressed out because I had NO clue what I would be doing the next day. Before I went to bed, Ben prayed for me; that things would go well and that I would know what to do at the right time.

The next morning I woke up after a dream. Typically, if I'm anxious about something, I have dreams that incorporate that anxiety into them (i.e., the thing I fear most happens). That night, however, I had a dream like I'd never had before. I was in my therapy session, and it was going extremely well. I knew exactly what to do, what to say, and how to lead the two girls. Each part of the session played out vividly in my mind. I woke up knowing exactly what I needed to do during our time- from beginning to end. I grabbed my iPad and made a note of each step. I felt completely at peace, prepared, and confident. The session went beautifully, exactly as I had "planned" for it to go that morning. Except I did none of the planning. I had no clue what to do, and God literally handed it to me, word-for-word. How cool is that.

March 13, 2015

Remembering 2014

I finally finished our 2014 yearbook (photobook)! If you missed this post, I wrote about the details of the way I decided to chronicle our family memories. Here is our newest addition:

(I blacked out our last name :)

And here are all of our books, totaling all of the years spent together on this journey:

Overall I was happy with the way this one came out. I was a little disappointed that the linen cover's color was not the same as the previous yellow from 2011. I guess they changed the color up a bit. I had a color order going on (red, orange, yellow, repeat) so it messed with my OCD nature :)