
October 31, 2012

Ladybugs and Miracles

We celebrated our first Halloween in our own home this year! I LOVE getting trick-or-treaters and couldn't wait for our 'very own'. Some Christians choose not to partake in the holiday, and while I respect that, I have no problem with some fun dressing up and candy appreciation. And while I won't be dressing my children up as grim reapers or devils anytime soon, I've always enjoyed the fun fall spirit and how the community comes together for the kids. Good times.

Candy choice is important. Always go with Mom's favorite:

On our way to the costume parade:

We weren't planning on going trick or treating with Anna, but our neighbors talked us into going with them, and she had a great time. Ben pushed her from house to house in a little car, and by the end of the night she was getting in and out herself, going up to houses, picking candy and putting it in her bag! Being that she's pretty shy in new situations, I was impressed.
Doing the candy rounds.
Anna's candy:
Or should we say Daddy's candy?
I am constantly reminded about the miracle that Anna has gone through this last year.

It's still hard to believe that my little girl went from this:

to THIS:


October 15, 2012


We said goodbye to our apartment today. We moved last weekend but officially checked out and handed in our keys this morning. It was bittersweet. A lot has happened over the 3 years we lived in that place. As I let Anna take one last walk down the sidewalk to the playground, many memories flashed through my mind. What life was like before she was born... her first year... and now, watching her walk without me. She doesn't need to hold my hand anymore. She's growing up. I remember swinging on that playground, wondering what her future would be like. I still don't know the answer to that question, but I do know that she's going to be okay.

While in some ways I am sad to drive away for the last time and say "bye bye" with Anna to the past 3 years of our lives, I am also ready. Ready for this new season. And I thank God for it.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 
Isaiah 43

October 11, 2012


There has been a whole lot going on around here. Not only did we just move in to our new home, but I officially started training for my new job today. This explains why things on the blog are a little more disjointed and why I haven't had a moment to post.

Ben priming the bathroom

Playing with boxes on the front porch
Checking out her new neighborhood