
September 15, 2010

To Baby (and the rest of us)

You will lose your baby teeth
at times you'll lose your faith in me
you will lose a lot of things
but you cannot lose my love.

You may lose your appetite
your guiding sense of wrong and right
you may lose your will to fight
but you cannot lose my love.

You will lose your confidence
in times of trial, your common sense
You may lose your innocence
but you cannot lose my love.

Many things can be misplaced
your very memories be erased
no matter what the time or space
you cannot lose my love.

You cannot lose my love.

-Sara Groves

September 10, 2010

Religion vs. Relationship

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Psalm 34:8


"There is all the difference in the world between knowing a thing and feeling a thing- between having a knowledge of a thing and having a sense of it. There is all the difference in the world between knowing that honey is sweet and tasting that it is sweet in order to have a sense of its sweetness. There is a great difference between knowing that a person is beautiful and actually seeing in order to have a present sense of the person's beauty. There is a great difference between knowing that a glove will fit the hand and putting the glove on in order to have a sense of its fitness.

Likewise, brethren, there is all the difference between having a head knowledge of Christ and His righteousness and having a heart feeling of His fitness and preciousness. The first may be acquired from flesh and blood, or from books; the second must come from the Spirit of God.

The Devil plainly has much knowledge of the Bible. From the quotations he made to Christ, it is plain that he understood much of the work of redemption. Yet he is none the better for it; he only trembles and gnashes his teeth more. Ah, my friends, if you have no more than head knowledge of Christ and His righteousness, you have no more than the Devil.

Robert Murray McCheyne

September 7, 2010

12 weeks

Here's 12 weeks... 3 months... however you look at it!

I promise I will not turn this blog into an every-pregnancy-detail, every-baby-spit-up blog with painstakingly private details about the body ie lose my filter. Tell me if I do, or if I get to one-focused :p

In other news, Ben and I went to Charleston for the weekend to celebrate our 2-year anniversary and our last trip alone together before we have an addition to the family. We couldn't afford anything longer or farther away, because I'm in a far-away wedding in November that I'm going to solo. Luckily Charleston was the perfect place to go for a few days! I had never been before.

Outside the bed and breakfast where we stayed.

Rainbow Row.

85 Tradd Street- where Ben's parents lived during their medical school days.

I found my all time favorite childhood candy... rock candy! I haven't seen it in years...