
February 23, 2010


I've realized how bad I've been about letting everyone know what is going on. So here goes. We are moving this Friday.

I (Lisa) am starting a counseling position at a hospital. They haven't really figured out the title since it goes back and forth between Behavior Specialist and Behavioral Health Counselor. Either way, it's working with behavior (in case you couldn't tell)- assessments, counseling, treatment plans, and the like. I will have a caseload with people with severe, persistant mental illness and/or addiction. Wow, this job is a HUGE blessing and came at just the right time (before I accepted a less-ideal job). My training starts Monday and will be ONE MONTH- can you believe it? One month of training.

Ben is starting PA school on May 17 (2.5 years). For the time being we'll be staying with a friend's extremely gracious parents (thank you Stones!) with a cute terrier and a talking parrot, until we can move into an apartment. We've been in such transition that it will be really nice to finally be settled once we are able to move for good. Hopefully this will happen before Ben starts school because his program will be really demanding. People have told us it's even more time-consuming than medical school because you are condensing similar material into 2 years instead of 3. So we will definitley need a lot of grace during this season of our lives. Lots of movement, transition, waiting, and new things. It feels really overwhelming sometimes, especially with not having access to a permanent place to live and moving around 3 times in 5 months!, but we're taking one day at a time (Ben is much better at this than I am), and we really are thankful for the opportunities given... and for both the our family's and the Stones allowing us to stay with them for different periods. Right now Ben has to finish 3 medical textbooks before school even starts! Grace and lots of it...