
March 16, 2009

Our Big News

We have some big news to share! For months now we have felt God stirring in our hearts and preparing us for a different direction than what we were originally planning for next year. When the opportunity arose to live and volunteer with a children's home in India, we were ready and knew it was the open door we needed to walk through. Sooo.....we will be moving to India on June 9 to work with Grace Homes, a wonderful place that has been running for the past 10 years. We have connections to the home through the campus ministry we worked at after college. The owner, Tammy, came through the states several years ago and it was then we first heard her talk about the work she was doing. The home raises and cares for 45 precious children who were abandoned, abused, or come from other broken backgrounds. They are raised up in a loving, family environment where all of their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met. Thanks to God's love, these kids are becoming the best students, athletes, and dancers in their school. They are passionately pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ. We are so encouraged by what God is doing in this place and feel blessed to be given an opportunity to be a part of it. We will be living in the home and committing full-time to work there. We hope that you will follow our blog as we travel to India and be a part of God's work with us.

Right now we are in the process of finishing graduate school and graduating in May (Lisa), finishing work (Ben), and all the logistics of leaving for a foreign country such as moving out, finding places to store our stuff, raising funds, and communication. We plan to visit family before we leave on June 9!

Please pray for us!